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A no spend year is not spending on any items that are unnecessary. The word unnecessary leaves a lot of grey area, doesn’t it? We use the word need in replacement of want regularly. We need that new sweater, we need the latest model iPhone (sorry Android people), and of course we need to takeout from the new restaurant that just opened.

“I think one of the things you need to realize, is that the things that you think you need in life are not, the things you, as a person need, they are the things that other people tell you that you need.” 
― Cave Man, Modern Human’s Handbook

By definition, something that is necessary is “the basic requirements of life” (Oxford dictionary). Those are technically food, water, and shelter. While you technically don’t need things outside of that, I’m sure everyone has things that make our lives a hell of a lot easier or simply just make us feel good. I’m doing this for an entire year, so I’m not stripping down to the bare minimum.

For myself, I’m going to list out all the things that I’m deeming necessary and am allowed to purchase. All of these are not technically necessary items, so I’m also going to talk about how I will be trimming down the costs of each of these items throughout the year. I’m not including monthly bills here because I think it’s a given that those need to be paid. 

Necessities During a No Spend Year

1. Groceries

Everyone has to eat, and you’re going to have to spend money to do it unless you’re one of those extreme couponers they make TV shows about. I think everyone gets that groceries are needed but this is actually one of the areas we’re constantly over budget and feel wasteful. I throw out more food than I’m comfortable with doing and we just had one of those instances where we all went to the grocery store hungry and without a plan, walking out with almost $200 worth of groceries half an hour later. I am going to plan ahead for my trips with a list and only allow myself to buy those items. While groceries are needed, the grocery store is a great place to buy items that you don’t need.

Pro tip: Shop the outside of the grocery store. This is where the fresh, whole foods are stored. If you don’t go down the middle aisles of junk, you can’t binge out there.

2. Restock of Personal Items

I’m going to run out of regularly used items and will need to replace them. I don’t think anyone would appreciate if I ran out of toothpaste and just stopped brushing my teeth for the rest of the year. This is items that I deem necessary to my regular routine such as skincare, personal hygiene, and health supplements. 

3. Replacement of Items

Something I regularly use is bound to break or wear out throughout the year. If it’s something I use regularly (at least once a week) then I will replace it. If applicable, I’ll try to buy secondhand or research for a sale. A few examples that I’m thinking of here are household appliances like coffee pot or toaster since the rest of our appliances are new, tennis shoes as I exercise regularly, socks (where do they all go??), and chargers.

4. Animal Food and Supplies

We have 2 dogs and are planning to get chicks in the spring. Our animals have to eat and be taken care of too, so their food, medicines, and care is essential. I’ll also replace any items that are worn out as well, like leashes and collars. To save on their food, I order from Chewy.com and take advantage of free samples of flea/tick and heart worm products from their vet. 

5. Restock of household items

The house needs to be clean and we need to wipe butts, so household items are certainly essential. Part of this lifestyle change is sustainability for me as well. One thing I’d like to use and purchase less of is paper items, especially paper towels. We have plenty of stained/ old clothing that could be reused as rags. As I venture further into this sustainable lifestyle, I may try making our own cleaners. This is going to be a year of many new experiments!

6. Schooling supplies

We’re a homeschool family, which feels weird to say because as I’m writing this my son is 3, but have started some preschool curriculum at home. He thoroughly enjoys activity books and I know throughout the year he’ll be learning more and we’ll need some supplies. I am going to do my best to borrow or find free items as well as make use of what we already have available to us at home, but I know there will be a few purchases here. 

I hope my personal lists helps you to create your own if you’re going down this journey with me. I can’t wait to see all the changes that it brings for myself and my family. It’s going to be a wonderful year!

Is there anything I left out? Leave your necessities in the comments!

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