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Meal Prepping is something everyone can benefit from. I think a lot of people associate meal prep with a specific and targeted body goal, like a bulk or fat loss phase. The reality is, meal prepping is for anyone that wants to take the guesswork out of what they’re eating for the week and stay at home mom’s could definitely use one less thing to think about during the day.

Moms, tell me… how often do you realize while you’re putting your child down for a nap that you have barely eaten anything that day? Or, what about when you’re making your kids lunch only to realize you’re starving and call your kid’s left overs a meal? Mom’s gotta eat too!

If actually having a lunch for yourself isn’t reason enough, I’ve listed a few more:

1. It saves me time

Meal prepping gives me back time throughout the week that I’d be worrying about what to eat, typically while I’m starving and not likely to make the best food choices. When I’m at that point of hunger, I’m typically taking more time to accomplish simple tasks as well.

If I were to make those same meals every day throughout the week, it would likely take me about 5 times the amount of time it takes to just do it once. Most people don’t take the time to make a good meal for lunch, but imagine how much better you’d feel if you did? That brings me to my next point.

2. I have more energy

I feel great when I have an actual meal ready for lunch and I’m giving my body the fuel it needs midday. Even if you don’t realize it, being a stay at home mom is a lot of physical work. You’re carrying loads of laundry (and children) up and down stairs, chasing your kids out in your yard, running to stop the toddler from jumping off the couch, cleaning up toys- you get the point. All those activities require energy from your body, you don’t have it if you aren’t eating enough.

3. I’m less likely to overeat

That’s right, eating more helps me to not eat too much. When we were moving into our house, meal prep was out the window and the entire week I found myself starving by 2PM and realizing I hadn’t eaten lunch. By then, no amount of food was going to fulfill that hunger. I’d end up eating anything I could think of (usually not that healthy) and an hour later feeling so bloated and full. If I have a balanced lunch with an adequate amount of protein for my body, I’m usually not feeling hungry until dinnertime.

4. One less choice to make

If you’ve ever read any self help books about productivity, there’s at least a paragraph in there about giving yourself less choices throughout the day. There’s also usually a comment about how Steve Jobs more the same outfit every day for this very reason. Having to make decisions about unimportant and mundane things takes space away from your creative mind and more important decisions.

Have you ever been working on something mid morning only to be stopped in your tracks by the thought “what am I going to eat for lunch?” If you already had lunch waiting for you in the fridge, that wouldn’t side track you from your more important work.

5. I’m on track with my health goals

Fitness and health are big parts of my life and I regularly have a goal I’m striving towards, even if that’s just to maintain where I’m at. Having at least one meal a day premade and consistent helps me to stay on track with those goals and ensure I’m getting a balanced meal without any of the guesswork. It’s easy to leave your goals to the side when you aren’t planning for them. Health goals ALWAYS should have a focus on nutrition and planning out your personal nutrition brings you closer to your goals. If this is something you need help with, fee free to send me a message.

In today’s society where everyone is on the go, even if you really aren’t going anywhere, planning your day ahead can start with knowing how you plan to fuel your body. With that plan, you’re less likely to eat and overeat junk. You’ll have more energy and less energy to make, leaving space for your creative best work.

Stay tuned for meal prep recipes and more ways to declutter your day!

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