Hi guys!

I paused on this blog for…well a year. We sold our house and moved in with my in-laws while our home was being built. It took us a lot longer than expected and I really struggled finding me without my own space.

Basically, everything I wanted this blog to be was something I felt like I couldn’t do to my best ability at that time. I struggled with constant overstimulation, setting boundaries, and staying firm with my parenting style. Also, how could I run a blog called The Mom of the House when this mom didn’t even have a home to call her own? It felt inauthentic and something I wasn’t able to throw my heart into.

Now, we’ve been in our new beautiful home for almost 2 months! We’ve been unpacking our lives that have been in boxes for the past year and already starting several home projects. I’m ready to get back to sharing and hopefully helping some moms out there not feel alone in the midst of their everyday chaos.

I also want this page to be a little different than what I set out to be. Managing the daily chaos is I think something we all muddle through the best we can and certainly don’t need someone telling us how to do it better. I want to help moms find the time for themselves during that day and commit to doing something daily for ourselves, and showers DON’T count. You know you have to take care of your kids, but you’re worth taking care of too. Your kids, husband, friends, and family deserve the best of you and they aren’t going to get it when you consider your self care a 2 minute shower while the baby is asleep and your toddler is preoccupied with a toy (hopefully).

Yes, I’m still going to share things that will help you get through your day easier, fun kid activities, and just the chaos that is my life. But I’m doing it to hopefully help you use that time saving tip or activity that will entertain your kid for half and hour to give you the time for YOU.

Thanks for reading this little piece on my life the past year, I can’t wait to start pouring my heart into this again.

With love,

The Mom of the House