saving money

I know you’re reading this headline thinking, “How am I going to save MORE money from Aldi?” I’ve got news for you, there’s ways you can save even more money from your favorite budget friendly grocery store.

When I first started shopping at Aldi, I was in awe at the register. I bought the same amount of groceries that I typically would at another grocery store but I spent $100 LESS. My husband basically had to drag me into the store and I walked out asking “why did we take so long to start shopping here?” Being my analytical self, I had to figure out what I was saving so much money on and what wasn’t really a bargain (a post for another day).

While I’m not a true Aldi fanatic, I have found where I’m getting the most bang for my buck and want to share with you! Some of these tips are universal to all grocery stores, not just Aldi, but you’ll find there’s a few things about Aldi you didn’t know.

1. Buy Aldi’s brand

While Aldi has some brand name items, the majority of their items are from their own brand. Try substituting your brand name favorites for Aldi’s brand. I doubt you (or your family) will notice the difference for most items. I’m on an Aldi Facebook group where people regularly post that they refill their name brand condiment bottle with Aldi’s brand and their family doesn’t notice. This typically happens after a family member downright refuses to use the Aldi’s brand. There are some things that don’t compare, and others you may actually like better! I prefer Aldi’s ranch to other name brands while I CANNOT do their toilet paper. Try some out and see which ones you can save some money with!

2. Shop name brand items at Aldi

For those name brand items you can’t let go of, check your Aldi store on your trips to see if they have them! I’ve seen Kodiak Cakes, Stok’s Coffee, and plenty of other name brand items at their stores over the past few years. While they don’t always have these items, it’s great to check before heading to another store. If we need to hit another grocery store on our weekly trips, we usually head to Aldi first to see if they have some items (or a good substitute). Every penny counts!

3. Skip the AOS aisle

Referred to on Facebook groups as the Aisle of Shame is that aisle with all the cool weekly finds pulls you in and is ever so convenient to just browse through. It is right where you line up for the register in my store (damn you Aldi!) and I can’t help but take a peek. You’re just asking for trouble here.

Yes, that rug and vacuum are incredibly cheap but, do you actually need them? If not, move along! I suggest checking out the weekly ad for your store prior to visiting. You’ll see the weekly Aldi finds here and can determine if the aisle is worth looking through if there is something you need in the ad. 

4. Buy Meat on Sale

Did you know a few days before meat’s expiration date, Aldi puts it on sale? For my store, it’s usually Friday when things start getting heavily discounted, but I’ve seen other people refer to Wednesdays and Saturdays as the deal days. I’ve gotten ground beef, premade burgers, chicken, and salmon all for $2 off to half price! Scope out your store and look at the expiration dates of their meat. If you can go a couple times on a slow week in your house (ha!) you’ll get a good feel for your stores discounting schedule. 

5. Bring your own Bags

If you shop at Aldi, you know that they don’t give you bags for your groceries but don’t worry. They sell them! Avoid spending money on bags every time you shop and bring your own with you.

I leave a few bags in my car (which drives my husband crazy) in case I leave my typical insulated bags at home. This is a great idea for any shopping trip in areas where bags are now charged or not available. My town has eliminated all plastic bag use effective July 1st, I’m sure other areas aren’t far behind. 

I hope you’re able to really narrow down your grocery budget and score some deals by using these tips. Are you an Aldi fanatic and know more secrets to the Aldi shopper trade? If so, let me in on them in the comments!