self care

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As a mom, there’s a long list of things you need to take care of throughout the day. Are you on that list? Just like on a plane they tell you to put your oxygen mask on first, you need to fill your own cup daily to be able to deliver the needs of others.

I know how easy it is to put yourself last on that list and realize its been days since you brushed your hair, but self care is so important! I feel so much better and more like myself when I’m doing things to help take care of me, too. I’m more patient with my son, present in activities, more productive, and less stressed about my long to-do list. Here’s a list of 5 things that I do for myself every day that make me feel good and help me show up as the mom I want to be.

1. Take a walk

Getting daily movement and fresh air does wonders for my mood. I also find it a great time to connect with my son as there are little other distractions that pull me from being present. I’m able to be in the moment and just enjoy nature and the outdoors.

I have two dogs that also need daily exercise, and are raging maniacs if they don’t take a walk. This daily activity helps them get their energy out and let’s my house be a little bit calmer throughout the day which helps me mentally as well. It’s a win win!

2. Drink My Water

I could go on for years the importance of drinking water, but I’m going to keep it short. Our bodies are about two-thirds water and basically every body system needs it to function properly. Have you ever heard of brain fog? I’m sure you have. Our brains actually are made up of a lot of water and can’t function properly if we’re dehydrated. This leads to brain fog, irritability, mood swings, and low energy. Next time you’re feeling sluggish, check in and see how much water you’re had for the day.

I drink TONS of water and don’t track as accurately, but it does help people if you just starting to be more conscious of your intake. I use the 1st Phorm app for all my tracking.

I also found that getting a larger cup helped me get more water in throughout the day. I hopped on the Stanley cup trend and carry it with my everywhere. My only complaint is it does spill easy if knocked over, but is also difficult to knock over when full.

3. Prioritize Meals

No one is happy when they’re hungry. Making sure I’m fueled throughout the day is a must for me. Moms spend so much time worrying about what our kids are eating that we often forget to feed ourselves! Days can go by so quick with play dates, school pick ups and drop offs, errands, and everything in between. I make it a point to have food prepped for myself for the week so I have something to just grab and heat up or eat on the go. Read about more reasons to meal prep here.

4. Wash my Face/Get Ready

When I left my corporate job to work from home, I didn’t technically have to get ready for the day anymore. No one was going to see me besides my son and my husband so what was the point? Well, the point was that it made me feel better!

Ever heard of the book Girl, Wash Your Face? If not it’s a great read and you should check it out!

I never really prioritized washing my face or taking care of my skin. I didn’t have any major issues with my complexion that I couldn’t hide with makeup. Early motherhood took a toll on my skin and I started seeing the bags under my eyes and wrinkles forming. I realized that adding in some skincare couldn’t possibly hurt. I found a facial cleansing device that helps truly clean your skin and promote cell turnover, minimizing the appearance of aging. I’ve loved all their products and have seen such a difference in my skin. Starting the morning with a clean face is something I couldn’t possibly go without now.

Now I’m not going to tell you there aren’t days that I stay in the clothes I slept in and don’t put a touch of makeup on my face, but they are few and far between (mostly when I’m sick). I have a quick routine and throwing on some bronzer and mascara somehow makes my day instantly better and I feel a little more put together even if my day is a train wreck.

5. Connect with a Friend

As an only child, I’ve always put a lot of value in my friendships. They’re the people I’m closest with and can always depend on. Both my husband and I are very lucky to have some incredible people in our lives and love to be around them as much as our schedules allow.

Photo by Elina Fairytale:

With demanding jobs, family life, children’ activities, and everything in between, it’s hard to regularly spend time with friends. While I can’t be present WITH them daily or sometimes even monthly, I try to connect at least one person in my circle daily. Whether it’s just sending a text to check in, share something random, ask for advice, or picking up the phone and talking for awhile, I always enjoy talking to a friend.

As a stay at home mom, life can feel a little mundane being constantly home. Connecting with friends helps from feeling too isolated and a quick text is a great way to let people know you’re thinking of them!

What are some things that you do regularly to take care of yourself? Drop them in the comments or connect with me on social media.