If you’re anything like me, how you start your day is vital to how the rest of your day goes. If I have a crazy and chaotic morning, I’m likely to feel frustrated and unresolved the rest of the day. Whether you’re a working mom on the go, or a stay at home mom who has the luxury of time in the morning (laugh with me here), having a predictable start to your morning is key for a good day.

Now whether you realize it or not, you probably already have a “morning routine.” You typically do the same things in the morning around the same time to get yourself ready for the day, but are those things setting you up for success? The key here is to be intentional with your actions in the morning rather than just doing what needs to be done.

Think about getting dressed, brushing your teeth, making the kids breakfast, and fixing your cup of coffee. All those actions are need-to-do things (especially that coffee), but they aren’t really serving you. Keep reading for my top 5 things to think of when creating a morning routine.

1. Give yourself a win

I listed this as the first because I think it’s the most important. Doing something first thing in the morning that feels like an accomplishment gives you an immediate mood boost and makes you feel productive. Choose something that you struggle to get done during the day, or that makes you feel really good to have completed. For me, it’s getting a cleaning task or a workout done. I know there’s days that I feel like all I did was pick up toys and clean up messes, but when I get something done first thing that I wanted to do, I have a sense of accomplishment even on those days.

2. Take care of your needs

Mama I know your morning is crazy. The kids are yelling, the dogs are going wild, you’re foggy before that morning coffee, and you feel like you have to take on the world before getting out the door. Take care of yourself. Take care of your needs, whatever. you decide those are. Think of things just beyond brushing your teeth, going to the bathroom (why does this feel like a luxury since having kids?), and getting dressed. If you need to take 5 minutes to stretch or meditate, do it. Take care of you first thing. You’ll be a better mom for it.

3. Automate what you can

Are you struggling with the simplest things in the morning? Think about all the tasks you have to complete and see if there’s anything you can have ready to go the night before to make it easier on yourself. Program your coffee maker the night before and set out your cup so you’re ready to go. Pack the kids lunches and pick out their outfits for the next day before going to bed. The more you have set before starting the day, the less tasks you have to complete. You just significantly reduced your to-do list, you’re welcome! 

4. Be Realistic

If you tell yourself every morning that you’re going to work out, take an uninterrupted shower, make the kids and yourself breakfast, prep dinner, wash and fold a load of laundry, empty the dishwasher, AND get out of the door by 8AM- give yourself a reality check. If you do get all of that done in the morning, you probably don’t need to be reading this post! If this is your plan and you feel like you failed every morning, then you need to rethink your morning expectations. Maybe you could technically get all this done, but you’re up several times at night with a newborn or you choose to play with your kids for a few minutes in the morning instead of completing some chores. Give yourself some grace and know that some mornings are going to be different than others. You’re human and so is your family. Your best is going to look different every day. 

5. Write it down

If you want something to happen, put it in writing. It’s as simple as that. Check out my printable morning checklist on my Etsy shop here. I typically keep my list to 5 items so I’m not overwhelmed, but I’ve provided 10 spaces for those random things you have to get done in the morning that aren’t part of your regular routine. 

The most important thing is that your routine makes life easier for you, not harder. I hope you use these tools to set yourself up for success and the ability to take on your day.